A Rescue Disk is a disk for scanning and disinfection of infected PCs. A Rescue Disk should be used in case of an infection that cannot be cured by means of antivirus software or disinfection utilities (for example, Kaspersky AVPTool) running under operating system control. Antiviral treatment is more effective in this case, because the malware which infected the system cannot not gain control in the process of operating system s ...
Norton Security with Backup represents Symantec's top-of-the-line antivirus solution designed to safeguard the PC against all kinds of Internet-based attacks. In comparison with Norton Security, this version adds a backup feature that allows users to regularly copy files and upload them to a secure location. Norton has always been a user favorite when it comes to antivirus solutions.
AVG AntiVirus Business Edition is award winning antivirus protection that keeps your business and data safe. It includes AVG Turbo Scan for quicker scans. Suffer less distraction and delay with our products. Feel free to surf, search and download with confidence. Be sure all your customer data is kept private. Manage remotely with AVG Remote Administration. Breathe easy knowing that AVG experts are always a phone call away.
Comodo Antivirus is a free security solution for Windows that uses a powerful combination of real-time threat monitoring, auto-sandboxing and behavior analysis to immediately protect your computer from all known and unknown malware. Whether you are an IT novice or an experienced user, Comodo Antivirus makes it easy to implement the highest strength protection.
This DVD5 ISO image is intended for administrators that need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update and that do not use an automated solution such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). You can use this ISO image to download multiple updates in all languages at the same time.
Smart Security for Total Online Safety Trend Micro Internet Security Pro provides the most comprehensive, easy-to-use protection for your personal data so you can shop, bank, or browse with confidence. Protects and optimizes up to 3 PCs.
Element TotalProtect 2011 automatically protects you and your family at all times – whether you work, bank, shop or play online. Element TotalProtect 2011 has everything you need for a safe and secure Internet experience.
This DVD5 ISO image is intended for administrators that need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update and that do not use an automated solution such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). You can use this ISO image to download multiple updates in all languages at the same time.
CG Gateway Antivirus allows you to block malware at the gateway before they can enter into your network. The antivirus signature base is updated 48 times per day.
NANO AntiVirus is a powerful and advanced application designed to provide you with security levels that conform to actual threats. The product is very useful. The resource optimization usage ensures the comfortable user's work. Protection of your computer from any type of viruses, trojans and worms including their encrypted and polymorphous variations.
This DVD5 ISO image is intended for administrators that need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update and that do not use an automated solution such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). You can use this ISO image to download multiple updates in all languages at the same time.
كاسبرسكي لمكافحة الفيروسات يحميك من مواقع التصيد والبرامج الضارة التي لن تعرف إلا كانوا يحاولون سرقة منك. في الوقت نفسه، "شبكة الأمن كاسبيرسكي" يسمح جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك إلى التقرير عندما يكتشف تهديد التي لم تشاهد من قبل. يستفيد جميع مستخدمي كاسبرسكي 250 مليون من معرفتنا مجتمعة! وتشمل ميزات كاسبيرسكي: يحمي من الفيروسات وأحصنة طروادة، والديدان، وبرامج التجسس، ادواري مسح الملفات، البريد الإلكتروني والإنترنت المرور "يحمي فورية الرسل يحمي غير معروف التهديدات يحلل" ويغلق "إنترنت إكسبلورر" الضعف تعطيل وصلات لمواقع البرمجيات الخبيثة/مواقع التصيد كتل "الرصد العالمي التهديد" (كاسبيرسكي شبكة الأمن) جميع أنواع keyloggers "التلقائي قاعدة بيانات التحديثات مجاناً دعم المذكرة التقنية": هذا محاكمة تجارية 30 يوما.