نتائج البحث - NTI

Kiosk Software 2.8.3

Kiosk Software 2.8.3  4017 

Kiosk software locks down your public computer or kiosk, helping you securely display your website or application. It prevents hacking…

abylon LOGON 15.90.1

abylon LOGON 15.90.1  4070 

abylon LOGON protects your computer against illegal access in a comfortable kind. You need only to train a smart card,…

abylon LOGON SSO Pro 15.90.1

abylon LOGON SSO Pro 15.90.1  4017 

Today in the engineered world many users have major problems with the multitude of passwords. With the software abylon LOGON…

Free Porn Blocker 1.0

Free Porn Blocker 1.0 إصدار مجاني 4099 

Free Porn Blocker - a reliable program to protect children from pornographic content on the Internet. Free Porn Blocker -…

USB Vault 1.8

USB Vault 1.8  3999 

USB Vault helps you safeguard data by creating a private vault, password-protected area on your USB drive. Once enabled, nobody…

Advanced Internet Kiosk 7.7526

Advanced Internet Kiosk 7.7526  4311 

Advanced Internet Kiosk is intended for building Internet kiosks, public access PCs, or in-store terminals. It lets you disable access…

Disk Drive Administrator 10.02

Disk Drive Administrator 10.02  4157 

Hide, lock and protect your local, network, Floppy and USB drives, and disable the AutoRun feature for them. Control access…

Password Generator 2015 3.0.1

Password Generator 2015 3.0.1  4369 

Generate unique strong passwords, pins, keycodes, and usernames with random password generator. Generate random numbers within a certain range or…

GFI LanGuard 2014 R2

GFI LanGuard 2014 R2  5362 

GFI LanGuard gives you a complete picture of your network setup and helps you maintain a secure network state. It…

School Track Student Attendance Software 6.6

School Track Student Attendance Software 6.6  4152 

Track student attendance and tardiness, issue tardy slips and hall passes, assign warnings and detention. Parents can receive e-mail notification…

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