Toms AD Object Recovery is a free Windows utility for querying your Active Directory for deleted computer, user, group, or…
Appnimi Web Directory Buster is designed to let you search for files on a remote web directory. This program guarantees…
File Shredder is a small utility that will completely erase the contents of sensitive files and folders that you specify.…
Command-line Tool to Remotely Detect Type of Directory Servers
LocK-A-FoLdeR 64-bit is a lightweight and easy to use security software that allows you to protect any folder on your…
Chrome Privacy Guard is a small tool that automatically deletes the unique Client ID before each run of Google Chrome.…
Disk Investigator helps you to discover all that is hidden on your computer hard disk. It can also help you…
Savage Erazor is a user friendly application which will help you purge your hard disk by deleting useless files like…
Netwrix Password Manager gives end users ability to securely manage their passwords and resolve account lockouts in a self-service fashion…
Netwrix Web-based Password Change for Active Directory is a freeware product that provides a very simple web page for self-service…